Environmental Importance


Water & Wastewater Treatment Authority needed a logo to communicate the importance of their work. The purpose of the WWTA is to protect the environment and the public by regulating the quality of water discharged into the wastewater collection system and treatment works, regulating the quality of construction of extensions to the sewer.





Sometimes what we can’t see makes the biggest difference in our lives. Sometimes what happens unbeknownst to us keeps us happy, healthy and far from harm. Is the unseen hero any less of a hero?

You do a job that most people don’t even know they should appreciate. Truth be told, you are one of the differences between a third world country and the communities we prefer to thrive in. Your job is important to the health of our environment, our economy and our lives. Maybe that seems a little dramatic, but make a mistake, don’t show up or do your job wrong and we’ll all pay the price. You may never receive a medal or be publicly recognized, but at the very least, you deserve a mark that reflects the importance of your job.
